Thursday, February 26, 2009

Twittering in Court, Twittering at School

Twittering in Court, Twittering at School

It may be a federal court first: A judge in Wichita, Kan., will let a newspaper reporter Twitter the trial of six accused gang members. Ron Sylvester, the Wichita Eagle reporter who we wrote about last May for his Twitter coverage of a capital murder trial, this week won permission from U.S. District Judge J. Thomas Marten to send live posts from the courtroom. During a brief hearing Monday afternoon, the judge declared, "Twitter is on."

In the months since Sylvester tweeted from court last May, other newspapers have followed suit. Reporters in Spokane, Wash., and Orange County, Calif., covered trials using Twitter. But Sylvester says this is the first time a federal judge has allowed him to post from the courtroom using Twitter. "Marten is tech-savvy, and led efforts to make sure the renovation of the 1932 federal courthouse in Wichita included updates for a wired environment," Sylvester writes. "The courthouse has wireless Internet connections that allow attorneys to access files back at their offices from the courtroom, for example." You can find him posting on Twitter as @rsylvester.

Another segment of the legal profession is also taking to Twitter. A number of law schools have created official Twitter feeds, according to Social Media Law Student. "Law schools are informing students about snow delays, on campus events, website updates, and student accomplishments," he writes. "Law professors are even jumping on adding announcements to these Twitter pages."

He has found 20 law school Twitter feeds. They include Harvard (http://twitter.com/harvard_law), Marquette (http://twitter.com/mulaw), New York University (http://twitter.com/nyulaw), Pace (http://twitter.com/pacelawschool), University of Chicago (http://twitter.com/uchicagolaw), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (http://twitter.com/unc_law), the University of San Diego (http://twitter.com/USanDiegoLaw), Washburn (http://twitter.com/washburnlaw), and the Yale Law Library (http://twitter.com/yalelawlibrary. While many of these feeds are quite active, one school, Case Western, appears to have created a feed but then never once posted.

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrog

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02-  8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en LIDERAZGO -  RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES  ,   y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Lawyers Advance in Bids for Harvard Board

Lawyers Advance in Bids for Harvard Board

"I'm pleased to announce that I have been nominated as a petition candidate for the 2009 Harvard Board of Overseers election," civil liberties lawyer Harvey A. Silverglate said this week in an e-mail to his supporters. As we discussed here in January, the Cambridge, Mass., lawyer and Harvard Law graduate has mounted a campaign for a seat on Harvard University's Board of Overseers, one of two bodies that govern the prestigious university. He hopes to do something about what he perceives as a lack of free speech there.

Silverglate and another petition candidate, Robert L. Freedman, a partner in the Philadelphia office of Dechert, were each able to collect the 219 alumni signatures they needed to win a spot on the ballot, which will be mailed April 1 to some 330,000 Harvard alumni. Both agree they face a tough fight. The last successful petition candidate was Archbishop Desmond Tutu 20 years ago. In the years since, even Barack Obama lost election as a petition candidate. In his e-mail to his supporters, Silverglate writes that he and Freedman have decided to coordinate their campaigns.

Bob is more focused on educational issues, such as teaching methods and the curriculum. I'm more concerned with issues of liberty, fairness, and process, such as eliminating speech codes and reforming the notorious Harvard student disciplinary board procedures. While we focus on different aspects of the University, we are united in our belief that Overseers must be proactive in putting Harvard students, their lives, and their education first.

The two will be going up against the official slate of candidates nominated by the Harvard Alumni Association. That slate includes one lawyer, Morgan Chu of Irell & Manella in Los Angeles, and former New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse, who is now a fellow at Yale Law School. Read more about their campaigns in the Harvard Law Record, at the campus-freedom blog The Torch, and at the Web sites of Silverglate and Freedman. You can also watch a recent interview with Silverglate and Freedman by Emily Rooney of the television program "Greater Boston."

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02-  8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en LIDERAZGO -  RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES  ,   y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Bar Group Apologizes for Past Racism

Bar Group Apologizes for Past Racism

During a ceremony in a Miami courthouse yesterday, lawyers formally apologized for their forbears' racism. At the Dade County Courthouse, the Dade County Bar Association hung a commemorative plaque over a once-segregated water fountain as its way of acknowledging and apologizing for a past history of racial injustice. "When the Florida Bar was formed in 1950, there were less than 25 black lawyers in the state," the plaque reads. "These lawyers represented their clients in segregated courthouses at a time when justice was neither equal nor fair, and when racial discrimination was not only countenanced by the law -- it was the law."

No one knows today which of the two water fountains on the sixth floor of the courthouse was reserved for whites and which for blacks, according to the Miami Herald. But Judge Scott J. Silverman, who serves as the court's historian, says he is sure they were carefully planned. He once found a partial set of old building plans for the courthouse that clearly showed the separate fountains on multiple floors.

One Southern Florida legal blogger, writing at Justice Building Blog, acknowledges that some may question whether the sins of the fathers should be visited upon their sons. But the anonymous blogger is glad about the plaque for what it says about Americans' willingness to acknowledge their collective mistakes. "While many of us have nothing to apologize for, it is important to remember that our society does," he writes. "And remembering this wrong will hopefully make sure we don't repeat it in the future."

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02-  8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en LIDERAZGO -  RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES  ,   y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Three More Legal Blogs Close Down

Three More Legal Blogs Close Down

It has seemed like a morbid week for followers of legal blogs. First came last week's post about legal bloggers throwing in the virtual towel after blogging left them feeling frustrated and depressed. Then came the news that the Wall Street Journal Law Blog had cut its lead writer, as we noted in a post here Monday. Then there was this week's Blawg Review #200, which, as we also noted here Monday, contained its own obituary. Turns out there was even more morbid news this week, as two long-time legal bloggers announced the shuttering of three different blogs. The good news is that one of the bloggers is ending his two blogs in order to make room for a new one.

On Sunday, David Giacalone announced that he would discontinue his blog, f/k/a ..., as of March 1. Giacalone has made his mark in the legal blogosphere by combining punditry and poetry on his blog. He has written regularly about his criticisms of the ways lawyers bill for their services and its negative impact on consumers. That is the topic to which he is devoting his attention as he wraps up his blog. We have to wonder whether Giacalone will return to blogging at some later date. After all, he has at least twice before said his goodbyes to blogging. This reader, for one, hopes he will be back.

The other blogger who closed shop this week is Doug Cornelius, who on Monday announced lights out at his knowledge-management blog, KM Space, and his real estate blog, Real Estate Space. In Cornelius's case, he is closing these blogs to start another, Compliance Building, where he will write about compliance and business ethics. The new blog follows a new job. Cornelius recently left the Boston law firm of Goodwin Procter to become chief compliance officer at Beacon Capital Partners, a real estate private equity firm.

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02-  8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en LIDERAZGO -  RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES  ,   y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile