Friday, May 16, 2008


Twittering From the Courtroom

"There's a new kind of journalism coming from a Kansas courtroom this week," writes Anne Reed at her blog Deliberations. She calls it "Twitter journalism." Whereas blogging a trial already seems old-hat, Wichita Eagle reporter and multimedia producer Ron Sylvester is reporting a capital murder trial through a series of Twitter posts -- each capped at 140 characters.

As he explains at the Society of Professional Journalists blog Technolo-J, his "tweeting" of this trial evolved from his experiment last year live blogging an earlier trial, e-mailing his posts to the newsroom, where other staffers would post them online. But the workflow lagged, and he found himself filing faster than the staff had time to post. So this time, he decided to try Twitter as an experiment, thinking to himself, "Who would notice?" As it turned out, plenty of people noticed. "I didn't expect the reaction," he writes. "This is important to me, because they are local people, looking for local news. They're not readers or viewers or audience anymore -- in this world of social networking, they're my friends."

Back at Deliberations, Anne Reed sees this as another way in which Twitter is finding its way into the legal world. "Ron Sylvester is reporting jury selection with a fresh and direct style you don't often see," she says, "except on Twitter." 

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on May 15, 2008 at 08:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

WIPO Elects Next Director General

Gurry In a hard-fought election decided by a one-vote margin, the World Intellectual Property Organization elected Australian lawyer Francis Gurry to be its next director general. Gurry has worked for WIPO in Geneva, Switzerland, since 1985, most recently as deputy director general in charge of patents. Before assuming that role in 2003, he was assistant director general and legal counsel. In the mid-1990s, he founded the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center and remained its director up to the time of the election.

The election was hard-fought, reports Intellectual Property Watch, with 15 candidates originally in the running after it became clear that the current director general would be pressured out over lack of confidence in his leadership. "But in the end, Gurry, considered a favourite as one of the most senior officials in the organisation who had nevertheless crafted a reputation for relative independence from the existing administration, prevailed." After the vote, Gurry told WIPO members, "I want to assure the membership that as of conclusion of this process my mind will be set on all members. I'm very much aware of the diversity of the organization."

More about Gurry here in his resume.

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on May 15, 2008 at 08:13 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Not All Quiet on the John Yoo Front

My, how the blogosphere buzz over John Yoo has quieted. Just a month ago, I posted here about the debate among legal and academic bloggers over whether the co-author of Bush Administration memoranda condoning torture should be allowed to retain his professorship at the University of California's Boalt Hall School of Law. Now, there is hardly a murmur about his tenure. But not all is quiet on the John Yoo front, with two noteworthy developments this week.

First, Yoo himself speaks out once again on the issue of presidential power, asserting that the central purpose of executive power is "to respond quickly and decisively to unforeseen crises and emergencies in foreign affairs." Sounds familiar, only he is referring in this case not to President Bush, but to President Thomas Jefferson. In a Boston University Law Review article, Jefferson and Executive Power, Yoo argues that Jefferson was "a bundle of contradictions," perhaps nowhere more so than in his views on executive power. Nonetheless, Yoo contends, "Jefferson's success as Chief Executive is closely intertwined with his broad conception of presidential power." He concludes by contrasting Jefferson with his successor, James Madison, whose narrow view of presidential power, Yoo says, was his downfall.

Elsewhere, the National Lawyers Guild, which last month led the charge for Boalt to dismiss Yoo, this week issued a statement calling on Congress to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute Yoo and others for their roles in condoning torture. Along with the statement, the NLG published a white paper setting out the legal and factual arguments for prosecuting the memo writers under international and U.S. law. NLG President Marjorie Cohn recently testified on Capitol Hill that Yoo and others were "part of a common plan to violate U.S. and international laws outlawing torture."

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on May 15, 2008 at 08:08 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Study Debunks Med-Mal Crisis

Massachusetts has the fourth-highest median malpractice settlement payments in the nation. It only follows that Massachusetts doctors should pay the fourth-highest insurance premiums. Right? Turns out, Bay State physicians actually saw their inflation-adjusted malpractice premiums drop between 1990 and 2005. This is the finding of a newly released study conducted by researchers at Suffolk University Law School in Boston. Published this week in the May/June issue of the journal Health Affairs, the study "raises serious questions about claims that Massachusetts doctors are facing a medical malpractice premium crisis that threatens the viability of medical practice in the Bay State," say its authors. From the announcement:

Suffolk University Law School researchers Marc Rodwin and colleagues analyzed malpractice premiums from 1975 to 2005 using data from the state-regulated mutual insurer known as ProMutual Group. In 2005, inflation-adjusted malpractice premiums were $17,810 for the coverage level and policy type that physicians most frequently purchased, compared with $17,907 in 1990. Despite premium increases since 1995 or 2000 for all physicians, premiums were still lower in 2005 than 1990, when they reached a 30-year peak. Mean premiums increased only in three specialties comprising 4 percent of physicians: obstetrics, neurology and orthopedists performing spinal surgery.

Even in high-risk specialties, where insurers charge surcharges, the situation is not as dire as so-called tort reformers would suggest. In OB-GYN, for example, nearly one third of physicians paid lower premiums in 2005 than in 1990, the study found.

In The Boston Globe, the president of the Massachusetts Medical Society countered the study with this confounding statement: "The issue of the malpractice crisis is not purely a premium-based issue, although we certainly have documented the high cost of liability insurance is a major factor in [physicians'] perspective on the practice environment. I think to some degree looking at malpractice premiums ... may provide an unfair picture of what is really going on."

What I think he said is this: If the insurance argument isn't going to work anymore to deflect those nasty tort lawyers, we'll think of something else.

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Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on May 15, 2008 at 08:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández

'Palestine: Sixty Years of Al Nakba '

'Palestine: Sixty Years of Al Nakba  '
by Amira Al Hussaini

Celebrations are under way to mark Israel's 60th anniversary - but for millions of Palestinians whose great grandparents, grandparents and parents were made refugees in the process, today marks Al Nakba - a day they were forced to flee their lands or were forcefully expelled from their homes as the State of Israel was born.

Lord Nabeel  [Ar], who lives in Jordan, writes about how Palestinians in diaspora dream of the day they return to their homes - and how the dream is kept alive, one generation after the other. He says:

كفانا صبرا
ومع ذلك فالنصر قريب
والحق كالشمس مضيء
حق العودة كالشمس يضيء ويرق بعيون وقلوب
 وعقول كل الأجيال الفلسطينية
حق ملكية المفتاح ينتقل من جيل لجيل
أجمل ما سمعت وشاهدت
( جد يقول لحفيده : - سيدي هذا مفتاح الدار اللي في بلدنا
وهو أمانه بعنقك إذا ما رجعت أنت أمانه تسلمه لأبنك
وما تنسوا يا سيدي الدار والبلد وفلسطين )
وأنا أقول وأستحلفكم بالله أن تقولوا لكل أبنائكم أن لا ينسوا
ابدا بيوتنا وأراضينا
وحقهم بالعوده لها مهما حصل وصار
حق العوده مطلب حق وأساسي لكل فلسطينيي الشتات
ستون عاما واليهود يحتفلون بإستقلال دولتهم
أي دوله
ومين كان محتلها
وكيف إستقلوا
أنا ما بحب الحكي الكثير
وزهقت ومليت من السياسه والتنظير
قرفت بجد قرفت
قال إستقلال دولتهم
وإحنا شو نقول
ستون عاما على نكبتنا
ستون سنة على هجرتنا
ستون حولا على تعاستنا
ستون عاما على تشردنا
الله كلمات ذات معان جزله ومنمقه جدا
الله الله الله
حلوة كثير مش هيك ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
ومفتاح البيت ينتقل من يد ليد ومن جيل لجيل
ويا الله كم من جيل سيستلمه بعد هذا الجيل
يا ريت ما ينسى الجيل القادم شو يعني فلسطين ؟
يا ريت ما ينسى شو حق العوده بيعني له ولسيده وأبوه
خلص كفايه
بجد مليت من الحكي واللت والعجن
عن جد بيكفي حكي

We have had enough of waiting,
And despite this, victory is close,
And truth is as bright as the sun,
The right to return shines through the eyes, hearts
And minds of all generations of Palestinians,
The right of ownership of the key, is passed down one generation to the next.

One of the most beautiful things I have heard and seen is a grandfather telling his grandson: Sir, this key is for our house in our country. It is a trust. If you are not able to go back, give it to your son. Sir, I don't want you ever to forget our home, our country and Palestine.

And I ask you to promise to tell all your children never to forget our homes and our land, and their right to return, whatever happens. The right to return is an integral right to all Palestinians in diaspora.

The Jews are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the independence of their country!!!!!!
What country?
And who was occupying it?
And how did they become liberated?

I would like to say a lot but I am fed up of talking, of politics and of theories. Seriously fed up.
They say the independence of their country??????

And what do we say?
Sixty years for our catastrophe (Nakba)?
Sixty years of us being forced to leave our home?
Sixty years of our misery?
Sixty years of us not finding a home?

Words with a lot of meanings? Aren't they nice?
And the key to that house being passed on from hand to hand, from one generation to the other, and God only knows how many generations it will still be passed on to.

I hope the next generation don't forget what Palestine means. I hope they don't forget what the right to return means to themselves and their fathers.

I am now seriously fed up of talking. Enough of talk.


Still in Jordan, The Black Iris shares with us the following apology to Palestine on the 60th anniversary of Al Nakba, saying:

It's been 60 years
And I am sorry for your loss
I am sorry for your continued loss
I am sorry for the sorrow
I am sorry for the grief
I am sorry for the bloodshed
I am sorry for the apathy
I am sorry for the indifference
I am sorry for the sympathy
I am sorry for the empathy
I am sorry for the funerals
I am sorry for the casualties
I am sorry for the politics
I am sorry for the history
I am sorry for the ongoing history
I am sorry for the injustice
I am sorry for the ongoing injustice
I am sorry for the past
I am sorry for the present
I am sorry for the future
I am sorry for the massacres
I am sorry for the darkness
I am sorry for the seconds
I am sorry for the minutes
I am sorry for the hours
I am sorry for the days
I am sorry for the weeks
I am sorry for the months
I am sorry for the years
I am sorry for the time we remained silent
I am sorry for the time we will continue to remain silent
I am sorry for not speaking enough
I am sorry for not saying enough
I am sorry for not caring enough
I am sorry for not writing enough
I am sorry for not acting enough
I am sorry for not saying sorry enough
I am sorry for the heart ache
I am sorry for the tragedies
I am sorry for this legacy
I am sorry for this exodus
I am sorry for this catastrophe
I am sorry for this calamity
I am sorry for this apology
And all other apologies
That seem to never

Egyptian blogger Zagazig [Ar] has a different take on the issue and writes:

اليوم هو يوم التدوين عن فلسطين ....واليوم هو أيضا يوم التدوين عن النكبه ...النكبه التي يصر الجميع - ولا أدري السبب – علي تسميتها النكبة وليست الهزيمة ...ربما !!
.فلسطين التي كانت منذ سته عقود فقط ملكنا ! – ولو إسما – فلسطين التي كان الحجاج منذ سته عقود فقط لابد وحتما أن يمروا عليها وهم ذاهبون وهم عائدون من الحج ...فلسطين التي كانت منذ عقود بسيطة تابعه لمصر – ولو إداريا - ، فلسطين هي الأرض التي يغني لها كل العرب من ستون عاما " عائدون ....عائدووووووووون " ولكن ياللحسرة فلم يعد أحد !!
....فلسطين هي أيضا الأرض التي يصر الجميع أننا بعد ستون عاما " للعوده أقرب " ...علي الرغم أنهم لا يملكون – علي الأقل – أمخاخا تؤهلهم لهذه العوده !!
أما الكيان – إسرائيل – الذي يهنيء اليوم قائدنا ورئيس شعبنا المغوار الكيان الصهيوني بمناسبه إحتلالهم لأرضنا المقدسة ،،
الكيان الذي يصر جميع العرب – ماعدا الرؤساء بالطبع – أن مصيرها إلي الزوال !!
مصيرها إلي الزوال وهي تنفق 6.5 % من دخلها القومي علي البحث العلمي بينما ننفق نحن 0.2 % من دخلنا القومي علي الإنتاج ....فعلا إلي الزوال !!!
مصر التي تنفق المليارات علي التسليح – ليس للحرب أيها الأذكياء – بل لصد هجوم الشعب – القله المندسه – عبر مليوني جندي أمن مركزي !!
إسرئايل دولة – فعلا وأؤكد – مصيرها إلي الزوال بينما الحسين بن طلال يبكي شهداء اليهود في الهولوكوست !!
إسرائيل – دولة مصيرها إلي الزوال – بينما تقضي عائله أمير قطر " الويك إند " علي شاطيء تل الربيع " تل أبيب " في قصرها الخاص هناك وأرسل طائرة خاصه لإعادتهم بعد أن هدد حسن نصر الله بقصف تل أبيب ...
إسرائيل دولة مصيرها إلي الزوال بينما التجنيد هناك إلزاميا للنساء والرجال ،، ومن يتخرج من التجنيد يكون جنديا إحتياطيا طوال عمره ...ليس التجنيد هناك بأن " يتشمسوا قليلا " بل بالتدريب علي السلاح بأنواعه !!
نعم إسرائيل دولة مصيرها إلي الزوال ،، وهم يمتلكون القدرة علي البكاء علي الهولوكست حتي الآن وممارسة حق تطبيق قانون معاداة الساميه القادر علي الإطاحه بأعلي رئيس دولة من منصبه ولهم القدرة أيضا علي المطالبه بتعويضات بملايين الدولارات – من مصر – لمساعدتها الإرهابيين في غزة ....بينما نحن لا نجرؤ ، أو لم نفكر بالأساس في المطالبه بتعويضات لشهدائنا في 67 أو شهداء الحدود ، سواء كانو جنودا أو مواطنين تم قنصهم بالعمد من أبراج الحراسه !! بينما رؤساؤنا الأفاضل يمارسون ضبط النفس بكل قوة وحكمة !
نعم إسرائيل دولة مصيرها إلي الزوال وهي تمتلك من الأسلحه النووية وتعلنها بأن لديها أسلحه نووية ، ونحن العرب نرفض بكل شهامة وسماحه خلق وأدب أن نمتلك سلاحا نوويا ، لأننا – نحن العرب – مسالمون !! ولأن إسرائيل هي دولة صديقه !!
ونعم إسرائيل دولة مصيرها إلي الزوال وهم يحاصرون مليونا ونصف المليون في غزة ويقتلونهم – عفوا يذبحونهم – ولا من أحد يحرك ساكنا ...ولا من أحد يسمع صرخات الباكيين ...

Today is the day to blog about Palestine. It is also the day to blog about the Nakba. I don't understand why everyone insists on calling it the Nakba and not the day of defeat! Perhaps ...

Palestine was six decades ago ours! Palestine was the place pilgrims to Mecca used to stop by six decades ago on their way to and from Hajj. Palestine, which was just a few decades ago administratively under Egypt's rule. Palestine is the land all Arabs have been singing to "We will return .. We will return.." for 60 years. The misery is that no one has ever returned!!

Palestine is the land which everyone insists on saying - after 60 years - that we are getting closer to returning to it - even they don't even have the mentality to enable them for this return!! But all Arabs (except their leaders) still insist that the entity - Israel - which the leader of our people congratulates on the occasion of their occupation of our land, will cease to exist!

It will cease to exist when it spends 6.5 per cent of its gross national income on scientific research while we spend 0.2% of our income on production. It will certainly cease to exist!!
Egypt spends billions on armament, not for war you smart people but to fend off an attack from the public!! Israel is a country, which I insist, will no longer exist, while King Hussain bin Talal cries on the Jewish martyrs during the holocaust!! Israel, a country will won't be there, while the family of the Amir of Qatar spends the weekend on a beach in Tel Aviv, in its private palace there, and who had to be evacuated by private helicopters, after Hassan Nasrullah threatened to bomb Tel Aviv. Israel is on its way to oblivion, while military service is mandatory for men and women and whoever drifts from training is made a reserve soldier for the rest of his life. Military service there is not for tanning purposes is on training how to use different types of weaponry!!

Yes, Israel will cease to exist, and they have the ability to cry over the holocaust until now and are able to impose the anti-Semitic law, which is able to bring the downfall of any leader. They also have the ability to demand millions of dollars in compensations - from Egypt - for its help for the Gazan terrorists, while we don't have the courage, and have never thought, of asking for compensation for our martyrs from the war of 1967 nor for the martyrs of the borders, whether soldiers or civilians, who have been purposely targeted by snipers from the guard posts. All this is happening while our leaders are exercising self-control, with all strength and wisdom!!

Of course Israel will cease to exist, while it owns nuclear weapons and announces to the world that it has nuclear weapons, while we Arabs politely refuse to own nuclear weapons, because we Arabs, are pacifists!! And because Israel is a friendly country!!

Yes, Israel will soon cease to exist while it surrounds a million and half people in Gaza, which it is killing - excuse me, slaughtering - without anyone doing anything about it nor hearing the cries of those who sob..

You may view the latest post at

Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl

'Macedonia: Bloggers Emphasize Need for Open Communication with Greece'

'Macedonia: Bloggers Emphasize Need for Open Communication with Greece'
by Filip Stojanovski

Amid the internal turmoil caused by Greek actions to block Macedonia's accession to NATO and the EU, and due to an increasing number of reports of attacks over Macedonian truck drivers (official reaction) by nationalist mobs in Greece, many Macedonian bloggers are attempting to bridge the gap of ignorance existing between the two nations. On the one hand, they've identified the need to pass information about Macedonians to Greeks, and, on the other hand, some have taken to the task to share information from Greek media with fellow Macedonians.

Many bloggers reacted to a statement by Greek Foreign Minister that even mentioning the existence of Macedonian language and ethnicity is "not helpful" to solving the name issue, perceiving it as continuation of the policy of ethnocide. Zharko Trajanovski, referred to the related U.S. Dept. of State Briefing, extracting the most interesting parts (MKD).

In the same vein, dozens of bloggers promoted the video of the song "Postojam" ("I Exist"), by embedding it in their own posts and even reposting copies of it on YouTube. The video features scenes from documentary films about the ethnic cleansing of Macedonians during the Greek Civil War of 1946-49, accompanied with humanistic lyrics: "I exist... All is forgiven: even your wish for me to be no more."

The author of the blog Agness wrote (MKD):

Since its official release, the video of the single "Postojam" by the pop rock singer Miyatta received wide media coverage and it is a topic of discussion among the Macedonian population all around the world. Interest for the English translation of the lyrics and releasing it abroad has also been shown. Regardless of the context, the video has become something worth a comment. Those who were familiar with that part of Macedonia's history congratulated Miyatta for delivering this audio-visual expression. Those who see such pictures for the first time, think that it is too painful to be true. Some believe that this is just an attempt at attention-seeking. All kinds of positive and negative comments are yet to be heard. I am happy that the number of people who were indifferent towards "Postojam" is rather small.

Images of sorrow and exile on the one hand, and images of unity and pride on the other make for a rather authentic representation of Macedonia.

The past is not to be revived, but to be outgrown.
Let us outgrow it, but first,
Let us know it!
Macedonia exists.

In the other direction, the blog Drugarche posted translations of articles from the Greek press, including cartoons [MKD]. A number of bloggers also praised the interview of the Macedonian director Milcho Manchevski [GRE], given to the Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia, and posted links to its English translations. Some offered more historical information from ancient books [MKD] and Western newspaper archives [MKD], as well as about the possible origins of the Greek flag.

But, most importantly, blogs have proved to be the primary vehicle for distributing information on grassroots peace-building. The news about the upcoming visit of about 50 Greek peace activists to Skopje scheduled for May 17, 2008, appeared [MKD] on the influential Vuna blog first:

This is not an attempt to stoke fires of the Macedonian nationalist sentiments. This is not a call to stone embassies, supermarkets or whatever.

On the contrary, this is a call to participate in an event intended as opposition to all the madness. Greek citizens are first and foremost human beings, and most of them have nothing to do with their retrograde and fascizoid state policy, nor with the hordes of morons who harass people on the highways. At the same time, not all Macedonian citizens are hotheads who "hate every Greek thing" and can't wait to throw stones on the Liaison office.


Peace, love, empathy!

You may view the latest post at

Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl

TRENDENCIAS: camisa más cara del mundo

LA PUEDES VER EN : Milán, Los Angeles y Estocolmo
camisa más cara del mundo

Posted: 15 May 2008 05:12 PM CDT


Con motivo del 80 aniversario de la firma Eton, se ha creado una camisa de los más sofisticada, elegante y de buena calidad. Y así lo puede porque su precio es desorbitado, tanto que es la camisa más cara del mundo: 23.000 libras esterlinas (unos 33.600 euros).

Os preguntareis qué tiene la camisa para costar tanto. Pues bien, su alto precio se debe a la utilización de piedras preciosas en los detalles de la camisa. Así, los botones y gemelos están incrustados con diamantes, en el caso de los botones de color y en el de los gemelos, blancos. Y además, está tallada con el mejor algodón importado expresamente de Egipto.

Esta camisa tan exclusiva es de blanco inmaculado, en mi opinión, el color más elegante en este tipo de piezas, que pueden adquirir los pudientes económicamente hablando. Pero una pieza tan exclusiva sólo podrá adquirirse una vez. ¿Cuándo? Pues en una subasta que saldrá el año que viene. Mientras, y para los curiosos, podrá verse, aunque no probársela, en algunas de las tiendas de Eton, entre las que se incluyen las de Milán, Los Angeles y Estocolmo. Seguro que David Beckham, a quien le encanta darse caprichos de este tipo, es uno de los pujantes.

Vía | Vanitatis

Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl