There are many ways you can restrict your creative energy: For instance:
- You feed your body with unhealthy junk food
- Accumulated toxins block your body's physical energy
- You don't feed your body with enough needed nutrients like vitamins and minerals
- You don't exercise enough
- You have some hormone imbalance due to age or other reasons
- Your immune system needs better care
- Your life energy is electrically, magnetically, chemically or otherwise perturbed
- You use poor stress management techniques
- Your energy is blocked by automatic reactions to old painful emotions
- Your Belief System brings conflicting and unwanted results
- Your values need to be clarified
- You still need fixing some addiction problem
- Your energy is not focused on worthy rewarding goals
- Your Self Talk is usually negative
- Your Self Image needs minor or even major adjustments
- You mismanage close relationships
- You stopped learning and discovering the world to stay in your comfort zone
- You do not make full use of your unique gifts and talents to create and give
- Your spiritual life is inexistent or weak
- You have no plans for your health, love life, career, wealth or any things you really want