Tuesday, July 31, 2007

peter montoya y personal branding

Personal Branding is the art of attracting and keeping more clients by actively shaping public perception. You can control the way you're perceived by the community you serve. Oprah, Tiger, Madonna – they realized early that talent alone would not take them to the top of their fields. So they created and promoted unique Personal Brands. And now, you can too.

Personal Branding Works for Business Professionals and Entrepreneurs Alike
You don't have to be a celebrity to reap the rewards of Personal Branding. Whether you are a professional ready to catapult to the next level in your career or an entrepreneur embarking on your first business venture, we will work together to bring your goals into focus. We'll begin by analyzing your unique strengths and differentiation, your competitive landscape and your target audience. Then we will develop a game plan to reach your objectives.

The Key to Personal Branding Success:
Define Yourself Instead of Letting Others Define You

You can shape your clients' perception of you simply by defining your strengths, values, goals and personality and presenting yourself in a compelling, persuasive manner. Express yourself and what you stand for to everyone you meet – clients, colleagues, friends, neighbors, and strangers. Do this constantly and consistently, and you will create an effective - and lucrative - Personal Brand.

Also available:
The Eight Laws of Personal Branding
CASE STUDY - Jack Welch: The Greatest CEO Ever
CASE STUDY - Oprah Winfrey: Crusader for Women's Empowerment
Is Personal Branding Right For You?
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The Eight Laws of Personal Branding

  1. The Law of Specialization: A great Personal Brand must be precise, concentrated on a single core strength, talent or achievement. You can specialize in one of many ways: ability, behavior, lifestyle, mission, product, profession or service.

  2. The Law of Leadership: Endowing a Personal Brand with authority and credibility demands that the source be perceived as a leader by the people in his/her domain or sphere of influence. Leadership stems from excellence, position or recognition.

  3. The Law of Personality: A great Personal Brand must be built on a foundation of the source's true personality, flaws and all. It is a law that removes some of the pressure laid on by the Law of Leadership: you've got to be good, but you don't have to be perfect.

  4. The Law of Distinctiveness: An effective Personal Brand needs to be expressed in a way that is different from the competition. Many marketers construct middle-of-the-road brands so as not to offend anyone. This is a route to failure because their brands will remain anonymous among the multitudes.

  5. The Law of Visibility: To be successful, a Personal Brand must be seen over and over again, until it imprints itself on the consciousness of its domain or sphere of influence. Visibility creates the presumption of quality. People assume because they see a person all the time, he/she must be superior to others offering the same product or service.

  6. The Law of Unity: The private person behind a Personal Brand must adhere to the moral and behavioral code set down by that brand. Private conduct must mirror the public brand.

  7. The Law of Persistence: Any Personal Brand takes time to grow, and while you can accelerate the process, you can't replace it with advertising or public relations. Stick with your Personal Brand, without changing it; be unwavering and be patient.

  8. The Law of Goodwill: A Personal Brand will produce better results and endure longer if the person behind it is perceived in a positive way. He/she must be associated with a value or idea that is recognized universally as positive and worthwhile.
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Jack Welch–The Greatest CEO Ever

Jack Francis Welch was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1935. A 1957 graduate of the University of Massachusetts with a B.S. in chemical engineering, Welch continued to pursue his education at the University of Illinois, earning his master's and doctorate in the science. Welch joined General Electric in 1960, but initially the marriage was not made in heaven.

After one year, Welch contemplated leaving GE to take a job at International Minerals & Chemicals. Working as a junior engineer in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, for a salary of $10,500, Welch felt underpaid and stifled by GE's strict bureaucracy. An executive, who saw hints of Welch's future greatness, spent four hours convincing him to stay...and a legendary CEO was on his way.

How this Brand was Built

Critical to the greatness of Welch's brand has been his ability to render himself and GE synonymous. There was never a doubt about who was at the helm and responsible for the massive changes in the company. This high profile also earned him respect for being willing to put his own neck on the line.

Just as critical was Welch's vision. Ruthless and audacious, he insisted that in each of its businesses, that GE be either No . 1 or No. 2. If a business fell short, it was sold or shut down.

The result: over 130,000 layoffs, over 70 plant closings, and a $500 billion increase in shareholder value.

The third key to Welch's brand is his passion, both for excellence in corporate operations, and for teaching young GE managers. Accessibility, charisma and a willingness to pass on his wisdom have branded him as more than a ruthless CEO.

Finally, Welch continued to build his Personal Brand by going out on top, retiring at age 65 when he could have stayed on until he dropped. His reward: a $7.1 million advance for his biography.

Why this Brand Works
  • Excellence: Welch turned GE into the world's most valuable companyᾺmore profitable, agile and ready to dominate in the Information Age. He did everything he promised and more.

  • Authority: Welch's success has elevated him to the position of Uber-CEO, the man other CEO's go to when they need answers. No one else is even close.

  • Flaws: Welch never tried to conceal his flaws: his temper, his intolerance for failure, and his slight stutter. Instead of being a corporate emperor, he became more human.
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Oprah Winfrey–Crusader for Women's Empowerment

Oprah was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, in 1954, and raised by her paternal grandmother until age six. After going to live with her mother in Milwaukee, her childhood became troubled, including sexual abuse at the hands of male relatives. At age 13, Oprah went to live with her father in Nashville.

Here, she began to excel in school, winning a full scholarship to Tennessee State University. While still in school, Oprah became the first African-American woman to anchor a newscast in Nashville. After graduation, she moved to Baltimore to work as a reporter and co-anchor for WJZ-TV.

A year later, Oprah became co-host of the station's morning show, "People Are Talking." From there she moved to Chicago to become host of "A.M. Chicago." Within three months, her ratings surpassed Phil Donahue's, and a year later the show went national and was renamed "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

How this Brand was Built

Oprah is a multimedia tycoon, producing film and television programs. By 2000, she was launching her own magazine, "O: The Oprah Magazine," the most successful magazine start-up in history. Everything flows from her talk show, which she has used as a platform for sharing her struggles with sexual abuse and her weight. Most importantly, Oprah has used the show to build a deep, personal connection with her audience, most of whom feel her values and aspirations reflect theirs.

Oprah has also built her Personal Brand around her desire to build, produce and promote worthwhile projects. Her "Oprah's Book Club" became a marketing force in the publishing industry, providing an audience for out-of-the-mainstream authors who might otherwise have languished on the bookshelves. In building an empire, she has become admired as an example of what a woman can do if she sets her mind to it.

Why this Brand Works
  • Honesty: The core of Oprah's Personal Brand is her openness about herself with her audience. Their genuine love for her stems from the perception that she has revealed herself to them and established an honest connection.

  • Control: Oprah is vigorously protective of her privacy, maintaining tight control over information released for public consumption. This not only prevents gossip; it is also a manifestation of her drive and ambition.

  • Virtue: When talk shows were heading toward tabloid exploitation, Oprah steered hers toward motivation and self-help. This set the tone for her positive Personal Brand.

  • Perseverance: "Don't be satisfied with just one success - and don't give up after one failure." That attitude has sustained Oprah through film project failures, a very public personal life, and her own weight problems.
Adherence to the Eight Laws
  1. The Law of Specialization: Though she began as "another talk-show host," Oprah quickly differentiated herself with positivism, ambition and an honest desire to build a legacy of worthwhile work.

  2. The Law of Leadership: She has made herself a mogul with hard work and vision–a voice of power and control in entertainment, media and publishing.

  3. The Law of Personality: No celebrity has gained more from openly sharing her struggles, hopes and emotions with her audience.

  4. The Law of Distinctiveness: She quickly set herself apart from the trailer-trash world of talk show hosts by becoming much more: a positive force, a champion of unknown talent and an outspoken advocate for women.

  5. The Law of Visibility: How could you improve on having your own talk show and magazine? Oprah is one of the few known only by her first name.

  6. The Law of Unity: It is hard to gauge this one because Oprah guards her privacy so jealously. But since no scandals have emerged, it's safe to assume the public and private woman are unified.

  7. The Law of Persistence: She has never wavered from her core persona: flawed, driven, compassionate and always ready with a "you can do it" cheer.

  8. The Law of Goodwill: It is hard to think of a woman who is loved more intensely and with greater devotion and admiration than Oprah.
Influence in its Domain

Oprah has changed the landscape of women's media with her magazine, her founding of the Internet and cable network Oxygen Media, and her relentless commitment to positive, productive, empowering works. "I want to be working on projects that are meaningful," she says. "I know that can sound superficial, but it's true. I would like to be able to say, down the road, that I created a legacy, something even more enduring than anything I have done yet."
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Is Personal Branding right for you?

Take a look at these benefits:
  • Increase your income up to 100% or more
  • Increase your visibility
  • Differentiate yourself from your competition
  • Attract and maintain high-quality clients
  • Expand into new business areas
  • Choose the assignments and clients that you want
  • Achieve your personal and professional goals
  • Increase your confidence
  • Charge a premium for your products/services
  • Extend your line of credit with ease
  • Thrive during economy downturns
  • Attract and retain quality employees and partners
Make these benefits happen in your life NOW! Learn how Peter Montoya Inc. can help you.
Click here to view our list of services

Need More Information?
Would you like to receive more information on Personal Branding, including information on our Services?
más informacion:
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

Monday, July 30, 2007


Promover la Negociación por Ramas de Manera Fáctica Es Inconstitucional



El abogado constitucionalista, que asesoró a la Alianza por Chile en 2006, en el requerimiento que objetó el nuevo concepto de empresa que buscaban imponer parlamentarios socialistas en la ley de subcontratación, advierte que si los trabajadores de labores externalizadas de Codelco negocian "con quien no es su empresa, sino la dueña de la obra o faena, están yendo más allá de lo que la Carta Fundamental tolera", al tiempo que analiza las transgresiones en las que podrían incurrir parlamentarios y ministros de Estado.

—¿Cómo ve la polémica en torno a Codelco y los trabajadores subcontratados, a nueve meses de la publicación de la ley que regula el trabajo en régimen de subcontratación y el funcionamiento de las empresas de servicios transitorios?
—Lo primero que hay que hacer, es aclarar que el objetivo de la ley de subcontratación es facilitar que los trabajadores subcontratados sean pagados en todas sus prestaciones laborales, por quien los contrató, o bien por el dueño de la obra o faena en la cual ese dueño está trabajando. Y que la ley no se creó para introducir negociaciones colectivas por ramas de actividad o para facilitar que los trabajadores subcontratados negocien colectivamente con el dueño de la obra de faena. Eso es otro escenario y otra realidad que no ha sido abordada por la ley de subcontratación y que difícilmente lo podría hacer, por el marco constitucional vigente.
De manera que, lo primero que llama la atención es que se convide a la ley de subcontratación, para el conflicto de Codelco. Lo único que podría hacer oportuna la aplicación de la ley de subcontratación, es la falta de pago, la omisión en las prestaciones laborales de los trabajadores subcontratados, en cuyo caso, efectivamente se podría llegar hasta el dueño de la obra o faena que es Codelco. Pero según mis antecedentes lo que ocurre no es eso, sino que trabajadores subcontratados buscan mejorar sus condiciones de remuneraciones en una especie de negociación colectiva.
Se está acusando al ministro del Trabajo de imponer por la vía de los hechos, la negociación interempresas o por rama de actividad que no contempla la ley.
—Es claro que algunos sectores desde hace mucho tiempo aspiran a que exista negociación por rama de actividad. La Constitución, en el artículo 19, número 16, inciso quinto, sólo contempla la negociación con la empresa en que laboran los trabajadores. Este es un eje central de la organización laboral y económica chilena. Y si alguien desea modificar este eje, puesto que se mira con nostalgia a las antiguas negociaciones por ramas, entonces lo procedente es plantear el debate de una reforma constitucional, la cual va a requerir en este caso de dos tercios de los diputados y senadores en ejercicio para ser aprobada.
Fácticamente, promover una negociación por rama, disfrazada de ley de subcontratación, es completamente inconstitucional y no es ético.
—¿Por qué?

—Porque se distorsionan los fines de la ley de subcontratación; se le desprestigia y probablemente se le perjudica para los objetivos lícitos y nobles para los que fue aprobada, que son otorgar mayor cobertura a las prestaciones naturales de un trabajador.
—¿Cree que en esta negociación de Codelco confluyen esos elementos?

—No tengo todos los antecedentes para emitir juicios de lo que ocurre con Codelco. Lo que aparece de público conocimiento, que cualquier ciudadano puede apreciar, es que los trabajadores subcontratados han promovido el ejercicio del derecho de petición, una negociación con quien no es su empleador y eso, como he explicado, no tiene sustento legal.
—Una cosa es que los trabajadores lo pidan y otra es que autoridades avalen esa situación.
—Si autoridades avalan las peticiones concretas de una de las partes envueltas en un conflicto laboral, hay que distinguir.
—¿Entre qué situaciones?
Si estas autoridades son parlamentarios, el artículo 60 de la Constitución contiene una norma muy terminante y draconiana, que es la causal de cesación en el cargo.
Distinto es que un parlamentario se interese por un problema, a que se alinee con la posición de uno de los dos sectores, supongamos el de los trabajadores, e influya ante las autoridades, eso tiene una sanción en la Constitución.
—¿Y si las autoridades son administrativas?
—Si son ministros, subsecretarios, no existe una causal precisa, como la que existe para los parlamentarios. Pero evidentemente tienen responsabilidades, como todos, que los obligan a cumplir la ley, no la pueden infringir y ahí se puede iniciar un proceso cuando un ministro no la cumple.
—¿La acusación constitucional?
—Al ministro del Trabajo, Osvaldo Andrade, se le acusa de impulsar este conflicto y la senadora Matthei (UDI), y el diputado Nicolás Monckeberg (RN), afirman que está al borde de la ley y que impulsó una negociación interempresas que no existe. De ser efectivo, ¿eso es causal de una acusación constitucional?
—No quiero pronunciarme en el caso específico, hay que tener todos los antecedentes. Pero, lo que dice el artículo 52 de la Constitución es que se puede acusar a un ministro cuando infringe la Constitución o las leyes, o las deja sin ejecución. Es una causal genérica que todos entendemos debe ser una infracción significativa, visible de la ley.
—¿Por qué se considera que lo que pasa en Codelco es una negociación interempresas?
—Lo que puedo decir como experto constitucional, es que la Constitución asegura como derecho a los trabajadores el negociar con su empresa. El fallo del Tribunal Constitucional del 2006, en que objetó el artículo 183 Ter del Código del Trabajo que venía en el proyecto de ley de subcontratación, tuvo precisamente el mérito de mantener vigentes las identidades legales de las distintas empresas. Entonces, si los trabajadores subcontratistas de Codelco pretenden negociar con quien no es su empresa, sino la empresa dueña de la obra o faena, están yendo más allá de lo que la Constitución tolera para efectos de negociaciones colectivas.
Por excepción, los trabajadores subcontratistas pueden demandar a Codelco para el caso de un ilícito consistente en su propio empleador no les pague las remuneraciones, las cotizaciones previsionales, etc. Pero si están dirigiéndose en el marco de una negociación colectiva, entonces estamos hablando aquí de una negociación colectiva que no está tolerada por la Constitución.
—Es decir, ¿de alguna manera se está torciendo el espíritu de la ley de subcontratación?
—Efectivamente, si lo que se pretende es invocar la ley de subcontratación para que trabajadores subcontratados, que están al día en las prestaciones laborales de sus contratos, mejoren esas prestaciones laborales, es una distorsión de la A a la Z, tanto de la ley, como de la Constitución.
—Muchos parlamentarios centran sus críticas en que personas que cumplen igual función, una contratada por Codelco y otra subcontratada, ganan distinto.
—Eso es inherente a la realidad económica en virtud de la cual la subcontratación es un elemento de eficiencia en el mundo empresarial. Esa es la razón por la cual precisamente la subcontratación ha sido un vehículo que ha promovido la eficiencia en los distintos países, porque suele ocurrir que estos trabajadores subcontratados son tan eficientes como aquellos que están contratados directamente, por una menor remuneración, y eso es un elemento central del desarrollo económico. Es una realidad que la ley nunca se ha propuesto impedir, porque sería un verdadero suicidio para el desarrollo chileno.
—El Ministerio del Trabajo está fiscalizando el cumplimiento de la ley de subcontratación.
—El ministerio del Trabajo tiene todas las atribuciones para fiscalizar la ley, pero jamás podría llegar a objetar el que distintas personas tengan distintas remuneraciones. Eso es parte de la vida, de la diversidad de la realidad económica.
—¿Qué precedente se puede sentar, si Codelco llega a un acuerdo bajo la presión y una interpretación errónea de la ley de subcontratación?
—Sería nocivo, irresponsable. Por el momento no tengo ese temor dado la prudencia del presidente ejecutivo de Codelco y la responsabilidad que aún observo en las esferas más altas del gobierno.
—¿Específicamente en qué esfera? Porque al parecer hay distintas visiones?
El ministro de Hacienda.


Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786


BlawgWorld 2007: I Still Don't Get It

When TechnoLawyer Publisher Neil J. Squillante and Editor Sara Skiff released the first edition of their BlawgWorld  e-book in November 2005, I wrote at my LawSites blog that it was a worthwhile experiment, but one that should be shelved. I explained:

"[H]aving now seen the final product, it is clear that the concept simply did not work as a book -- blog postings frozen in rigid pdf pages seemed drained of whatever vitality they once might have had."

I also expressed discomfort at the way it was promoted, seemingly making the bloggers who contributed essays pawns in expanding TechnoLawyer's membership. Thus, with the release today of the second edition of this e-book, BlawgWorld 2007, I was not surprised to receive an e-mail from Squillante pointing out changes in this new edition. "I agree with you that the first edition had flaws," he wrote, "but rather than shelve it, we addressed the flaws."

Well, in my opinion, they did and they didn't. Let's start with the good. Squillante and Skiff deserve high praise for the design and format of BlawgWorld 2007. The book employs a navigation system that takes full advantage of the features of PDF. The concept is "three clicks from anywhere to anywhere." That holds true, enabling the reader to find and get to articles quickly and intuitively. In addition to intuitive navigation, the book's pages are nicely designed. Blog essays include information about the blog and the blogger and even a thumbnail of its main page. Essays are published with all links intact so that the reader can jump from book to web and back.

To some extent, this design addresses my concern about rigid PDF pages draining blog posts of their vitality. But the premise of this book (as Squillante explains in the video here)  is that is serves as the best way for lawyers to discover legal blogs and choose the ones they might regularly read. I still don't see how it does that. Myself, I am able to evaluate a blog only by reading several postings over a period of time. To take one self-selected post and add it to a compendium of posts from other bloggers seems to serve no practical purpose other than to stroke the egos of the bloggers who are included.

Then there is still that discomfort aspect. This time, BlawgWorld is being promoted as two books in one. The second book -- which is not a separate book at all -- is the TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide. This is described as "the product guide reinvented" and a "revolutionary new sponsored resource." The key word here is sponsored. Although positioned as a collection of questions and answers about common technology and management problems, it is really a collection of advertisements. The answers are not objective, they are provided by vendors to promote their own products and services. Here, for example, is a question: "Does a case management solution exist specifically for personal injury practices?" The answer, "Look no further than Needles." Let's call this what it is -- a huge advertising directory.

Squillante says that this e-book costs much more than the first one to produce, so he had to sell advertising. Rather than "turn the eBook into a magazine with big garish ads interspersed with the blawg essays," he chose this approach, which he says was inspired by the yellow pages. He explains: "Participating legal vendors were required to ask a question (Problem) free of superlatives that a law firm might actually ask, and then answer that question (Solution) using 250-300 words."

With 45,000 downloads, the popularity of the first BlawgWorld exceeded all expectations. Squillante expects to see the number of downloads for this second BlawgWorld reach at least 50,000. So even though I don't get it, plenty of people apparently do. Clearly, this second edition is an improvement over the first in many respects. If some readers find it useful in learning about and selecting blogs, then BlawgWorld has achieved its purpose.

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 30, 2007 at 12:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Is SJC Nominee in Trouble?

That is the question media writer Dan Kennedy asks at his blog Media Nation about Margot Botsford, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick's nominee for a seat on the state's highest court, the Supreme Judicial Court. I, for one, don't think so. Botsford, currently a judge on the state's Superior Court, is highly regarded among lawyers in Massachusetts and has an impressive record of achievements to support her.

The question arises because, one day after Gov. Patrick nominated Botsford, the Boston Herald reported that her husband, lawyer S. Stephen Rosenfeld, last year donated three times the legal limit to Patrick's campaign fund. Rosenfeld is also well known within the state's legal community and was chief of staff and legal counsel to former Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis. This news led blogger Kennedy to comment:

"Botsford is well-qualified and progressive, but this has the aroma of a quid pro quo. You could argue that she's not responsible for her husband's political donations, but come on. As a judge, she can't make political donations anyway. (Or at least she shouldn't.) And why didn't someone at the Patrick campaign flag the excess donations and return them?"

From the state's legal community, support for Botsford's nomination is strong. Massachusetts Bar Association President Mark D. Mason issued a statement in which he said:

"Botsford's keen intellect and extraordinary abilities as a jurist enhance the outstanding reputation of our state's highest court. She is highly regarded and respected amongst jurists and attorneys throughout the commonwealth."

The president of the Boston Bar Association, Jack Cinquegrana, had like praise:

"[Botsford] is a true scholar of the law and a noble public servant who is universally admired for her brilliance, her extraordinary work ethic, and her commitment to justice."

My prediction is that her nomination will -- and should -- sail through.

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 30, 2007 at 01:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Praise for ABA Journal Web Site Relaunch

The headline that best describes the ABA Journal's unveiling last week of its new Web site may be this one from Mark Obbie: A Sleeping Giant Stirs. I first noted the head-to-toe redesign of the site a week ago on my LawSites blog, but now that I am back from the Maine woods, I have had a chance to look more closely at the site and at other bloggers' comments. Opinions appear to be unanimously enthusiastic. Overnight, the ABA Journal's Web site went from Edsel to Ferrari.

The overhaul was spearheaded by two former colleagues of mine at ALM, Ed Adams, the magazine's new editor and publisher, and Molly McDonough, the magazine's assistant managing editor/online. My LawSites post describes the site's major features, which include regularly updated legal news stories drawn from multiple sources online, a directory of more than 1,000 law-related blogs, articles from the magazine, RSS feeds and more. But here I wanted to collect some of what others are saying about the new site. Here is a sampling of what I found:

  • Blawg's Blog: "[A]t first glimpse, it looks to me like the ABA has done a very nice job in putting together its new site. It has created another law portal, however, which makes this move pretty interesting. My initial reaction is that the ABA has moved into direct competition with Law.com and FindLaw (and maybe a Lexis web property like Lawyers.com). It also obviously offers some of the same features and functionality as Blawg.com and Justia, to name a couple more."
  • Dennis Kennedy: "I like the direction that the ABA Journal is going with the website and the print publication. In fact, I like it so much that I've recently agreed to take over the legal technology column for the publication starting this fall."
  • Ernie the Attorney: "Very impressive new look! Also note that the Journal is now listing legal blogs (which they term 'blawgs'), including this one."
  • InhouseBlog: "This is sure to be a powerful new tool for in-house counsel - check it out and add it to your blog reader."
  • LawBeat: "Law.com, watch your back. The ABA Journal today launched a new Web site that kicks Law.com's butt."
  • Mediator blah... blah...: "Best of all is The Blawg Directory which indexes more than 1,000 law blogs. The directory tells you about the author, what they cover, and includes excerpts from the 10 latest posts."
  • MyShingle: "[T]he ABA has finally provided a really useful product with the newly launched, online ABA Journal. The site makes ABA Journal articles and legal news available, and also contains one of the best topical blawg directories that I've ever seen."
  • New York Personal Injury Law Blog: "The American Bar Association has moved into the news and blog arena in a big way, as evidenced by their newly redone website. A quick view shows terrific free news feeds as well as a great new compendium of blawgs. They have obviously done their homework."

If the best headline about the new site was Mark Obbie's, quoted above, the most succinct evaluation of the overhaul may be this from Denise Howell at Bag and Baggage: "It's not the old site, which was, let's face it, as painful as a nitrous-free molar extraction."

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 30, 2007 at 12:45 PM | Perma

Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

'China: To blog to dream'

'China: To blog to dream'
by John Kennedy

Two American bloggers based in southern China's Guangzhou city are gearing up for a year's worth of blogging trips which will take them through all twenty-two provinces in mainland China and see them raising funds for charities, offering scholarships for Chinese students to go study in the West as well as raising funds to cover medical costs for people struggling with cancer back in the heavily-industrialized Pearl River Delta, where cancer rates run high.

Lonnie B. Hodge, the elder of the two, US army veteran, past recipient of the National Endowment of the Arts and resident of Asia for nearly two decades, has played a very active role in China's English-language blogging community since he started OneManBandwidth in 2004, supporting not just top blogger and photo contests, but also charity initiatives being played out across the country, all on top of maintaining a business column and drawing on life experiences (and a PhD) in decoding life as a teacher and business consultant in today's China on everything from cancer to censorship to corruption on campuses.

Cancer has been a central topic on OneManBandwidth for the past year as Hodge has followed closely the lives of what he is calling The League of Extraordinary Chinese Women, linked by their shared suffering of breast cancer; where once there five, only one is still living today. As those around him continue to pass away, Hodge himself does not have long left to go.

And thus the inspiration for what Hodge and his Macau University of Science and Technology teaching colleague David DeGeest are calling The Dreamblogue: Traveling China for Charity and Understanding.

The first trip will take the pair to Tibet on August 15 and more information will be released shortly. One recent post looks at the Asia Library Project initiative mentioned in the short video, taken in Guangzhou this past week, below:

Hodge and DeGeest's first step toward making people's dreams come true has been  to invite readers to share them on The Dreamblogue:

Dreamblogue readers and corporate sponsors are already helping fulfill some of the dreams posted here. For how you can help us visit our help page and continue to follow our adventures in China. All ad revenue will from this site benefits Chinese and American individuals with dreams deferred by health, or social circumstances.

And several have already come in:

tdgardens's dream:
That every child have a book to hug, hold, and carry them to a dream all their own.

hailvict's dream:
To become someone who makes a difference every day of their life.

mmhalim's dream:
travell to china i cannot imagine what is the great system that can organize all this people and in the same time they are be one of the great country in the world

Taitai's Dream:
My main dream right now is that the lumps found in my mother-in-law's lung are benign. That would be lovely, thank you.

kevin's dream:
I hope the project of "Blog of dreams" will be successful.

Roxi Copland's Dream:
touring worldwide as a vocalist and pianist

You may view the latest post at

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Best regards,
The Global Voices Team
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

Friday, July 27, 2007

What's Hot

What's Hot
(Podcast with Transcript)

Jeremy Siegel: Snapshots of the U.S. and Other Markets

The crisis involving sub-prime housing loans continues to batter U.S. markets. Treasury bills have been rising for months because of fears that losses on sub-prime real estate loans could slow the growth of the economy. On the other hand, the stock market has been soaring: The Dow Jones Industrial Average shot past 14,000 and continues to hover at that level. What do these trends mean for investors? Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel discussed these issues and more -- including economic growth in China and the impact of the strong Indian rupee -- with Knowledge@Wharton.


Robbing the Cradle? If Marketers Get Their Way, That Bundle of Joy Can Cost a Bundle

Just a decade ago, a company called Baby Einstein helped launch a new line of educational videos and toys that many parents believed would put their toddlers in the fast lane to success. The company was soon joined by others that promoted educational and entertainment products for babies and the under-three-year-old set, including The Baby Prodigy Company and Brainy Baby. But recently some child advocacy groups -- and the author of a new book -- are warning parents to rethink the products and the messages behind these campaigns.

Law and Public Policy
'Quality Fade': China's Great Business Challenge

Recent media reports detailing a series of quality problems with Chinese-made exports -- pet food tainted with prohibited chemicals, toys covered with lead paint and tires that fall apart at high speed -- have alarmed the American public and resulted in a number of international product recalls. In this opinion piece, Paul Midler, founder and president of China Advantage, a services firm that provides outsourcing and supply chain management to U.S. and European companies, discusses what he calls "quality fade" and a number of related challenges that face Chinese manufacturing.

Strategic Management
Feel Free to Move About the Airport: Turbulence Continues to Roil the Airline Industry

Wharton professor Serguei Netessine, who recently had to spend the night in an airport hotel after being kicked off an overbooked evening flight, is one of thousands of airline passengers this summer who have been stranded on runways or sleeping in airports. While airline service is no longer the white-glove experience it once was, it has recently gone beyond bad food and snappish flight attendants. "Previously, airlines worried about dissatisfied customers. Now I don't think they worry about it because the customer service at all airlines is so horrible," says Netessine. Knowledge@Wharton looks at the current state of the airline industry.

Leadership and Change
Some Free Advice for Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang

Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang is about to find out that being a CEO is a lot different than being the ceremonious Chief Yahoo, as he was called until last month. Yang, who became Yahoo's new CEO on June 18, faces a daunting to-do list that includes reinvigorating the company, closing a performance gap with Google, thwarting challenges from social media sites such as Facebook, delivering financial results that make Wall Street cheer and charting a course for the future. His first deadline comes in about 100 days. Knowledge@Wharton asked faculty members for advice on how Yang should handle this management challenge.

Law and Public Policy
The Impact of Good Governance on International Investing: The 'Home Bias' Effect and Other Issues

Following accounting and governance scandals at Enron and other U.S. companies, policymakers in the United States and elsewhere responded by establishing new corporate governance rules, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Now, after complaints from the business community that regulations are hurting profits, some countries are taking a second look at post-Enron reforms. But according to research presented during a recent conference on international corporate governance -- sponsored by the Weiss Center for International Financial Research at Wharton -- countries should think twice about loosening governance regulations.

Leadership and Change
IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond on What's Next for the Big Screen

For big-screen movie company IMAX, the past several weeks must have seemed like the best of times and the worst of times. The recent opening of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was the largest and most successful in IMAX history. Yet despite the record box office, the company's stock price remained moribund as it delayed its financial filings to restate its revenue recognition for the years 2002-2005 and responded to an informal inquiry from the SEC. This was not the first challenge faced by Richard Gelfond and Bradley Wechsler, who share the titles of chairman and CEO. Knowledge@Wharton recently spoke with Gelfond at IMAX's corporate headquarters in New York about the company's plans for the future.


Articles from Around the Network

Universia Knowledge@Wharton
Why Brazil Has Become One of the Top Four Investment Destinations in the World

Along with China, India and Russia, Brazil is overflowing with opportunities for foreign investors. It is also leading the way in Latin America's economic development. In 2006, it was the third largest economy in the western hemisphere and the 11th largest in the world. The legislative reforms of the Lula Da Silva government are boosting cooperation between the public and private sectors, trade imbalances are improving, and the economy has shown strong signs of stabilizing. "It is a country where you have to be," notes one expert. Nevertheless, a number of experts say, Brazil must continue with the reforms now underway in order to maintain its upward momentum.

China Knowledge@Wharton
Is China's Luxury Goods Market a 'Pot of Gold' for Marketers?

The luxury lifestyle is hot, as evidenced by the 2007 Millionaire Fair held in Shanghai in June. The show, twice as big as the one in 2006, displayed 150 top global brands to 14,000 mainly middle-class consumers. Already the third-largest global market for luxury goods, China is poised to eventually take over the number one spot. What is behind this growth in luxury goods, and in what ways is the China market unique? China Knowledge@Wharton explores these issues.

India Knowledge@Wharton
Shiv V. Khemka: 'The Days When International Oil Companies Controlled the Global Energy Business Seem to be Drifting By'

During the recent 2007 Wharton Economic Summit, Knowledge@Wharton recorded a series of podcasts with speakers and panelists at the event, whose theme was "Next Moves in a Global Economy." Among those interviewed was Shiv V. Khemka, vice chairman of the SUN Group, a significant investor in emerging economies such as Russia, India and the Middle East. Khemka spoke about opportunities in the natural resources businesses, on which the group has been focusing for the past two years. "We believe that as the demand for natural resources continues to grow over the next 15 to 20 years, not only in the Western world but also in the emerging markets, resource holders and those who have access to these fast-growing markets will benefit tremendously," Khemka says. "The days when the international oil companies controlled the global energy business seem to be drifting by."
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Peru: Polls, Strikes, and Independence Day

Peru: Polls, Strikes, and Independence Day
Global Voices Online - Cambridge,MA,USA
He believes he is very skillful and doesn't notice the prestige which
he has is a byproduct of lobbying by his media operatives....
the Prime Minister doesn't ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema

Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Legal Blog Watch

Legal Blog Watch

Building Relationships to Build Business -- and Using Facebook to Do It

Lawyer-client intimacy sounds like something forbidden or inappropriate. But the kind of lawyer-client intimacy that Arnie Herz discusses in this post at Legal Sanity is anything but: Herz suggests that lawyers should try to forge a personal bond with clients as a way to build a healthy, lasting and trusted relationship. He writes:

As I've noted before, and as Keith Ferrazzi points out in his bestselling book, Never Eat Alone, many people shy away from the idea that intimacy is key to successful business relationships. By intimacy I'm referring to a willingness to get to know the human being behind the issue or need that comes across our desk (or the airplane call button). It's basically the same kind of intimacy that fuels healthy connections to family and friends. Many lawyers find it hard to drop the mantle of authority and really get to know their clients as human beings who have fears, hopes and challenges. But, this kind of sincere human-to-human exchange is what compels prospects to become clients and compels clients to stay with us and refer us more business.

Interestingly, Herz's post on lawyer-client intimacy coincides with blog posts by Kevin O'Keefe and Ernie the Attorney about Facebook. Traditionally viewed as a social community, more professionals are turning to Facebook to connect with each other, O'Keefe writeshere:

Facebook should not be dismissed as some web site or social community where our kids hang out. Not only am I seeing a growing number of innovative lawyers and business people networking via Facebook, but Facebook is also adding an executive team that ain't joining to keep things as is.
The Wall Street Journal reports (sub req'ed) this morning the latest to join Facebook is CFO Gideon Yu, formerly with Google's YouTube.  Mr. Yu's appointment follows the hiring this month of Chamath Palihapitiya, an investor for the Mayfield Fund LP venture-capital firm, as vice president of product marketing and operations. Blake Ross and Joe Hewitt, co-founders of open-source Web browser Mozilla Firefox, are joining Facebook as part of its acquisition of their Parakey startup.

Ernie Svenson compares the differences in the more whimsical Facebook and the serious networking tool Linked In in this in this post:

I think that the differences between Facebook and LinkedIn reflect a similar sensibility in the world of online marketing or networking.  It's important to have a professional appearance, and LinkedIn is wonderful in that regard. But, it's also important to show a more human side.  People like to deal with people they feel comfortable with.  Professional networks emphasize one's professional skills.  Social networks like Facebook emphasize the personal touches.  I've known Marty Schwimmer for many years.  I've read his blog for 5 years, and I trade emails with him regularly.  I know a lot about Marty.  But I didn't know, until he became a "Facebook friend" that he was taking bass guitar lessons.  Or at least that's what his 'status page' said last Saturday.  Maybe he was kidding but that's okay too.

Looking for ways to build connections with other lawyers and potential clients is a win-win for all. As Ernie points out, "people like to deal with people they feel comfortable with" -- which means that building connections can help make money. And more importantly, even if you don't get that new client or account, if you've built a relationship with a prospect, at least you can feel that you've come away with a new friend even if you didn't win the business. And that kind of consolation prize helps make marketing and even rejection more palatable.

Posted by Carolyn Elefant on July 25, 2007 at 04:26 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

Dispatches from the new world of work

Dispatches from the new world of work

A Company Gets It

We know that the women's market is booming and that many haven't taken full advantage of this market. Not so Harley-Davidson. They've noticed that there is a huge market of women who are buying motorcycles—about 100,00 a year. As stated in the New York Times today, "'Fifty percent of the population is female and there is pent-up demand,' said James L. Ziemer, Harley-Davidson's chief executive. 'We need to remove barriers.'"

Companies that remove the barriers and recognize the power of women buyers can cash in on a great market, but I think Tom's been saying that for awhile now.

How does your company take advantage of today's key markets, boomers/geezers and women??

Val Willis posted this today.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.tompeters.com/

Rodrigo González Fernádez
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

Law.com Home Legal Blog Watch Home About The Bloggers

Law.com Home Legal Blog Watch Home About The Bloggers
Legal Blog Watch

Poverty as a Defense to Crime

At Crime & Federalism, Mike Cernovich asks whether poverty should be a mitigating factor in criminal sentencing. He cites new research suggesting a link between lead poisoning and criminal behavior and another study showing a link between diet and criminality -- specifically, that people who eat diets low in essential fatty acids are more likely to commit crimes.

Given that children do not choose to live in lead-paint-tainted homes or to eat diets low in essential nutrients, what does this say if those children grow up to commit crimes? If someone slips a drug into your drink and you do something wrong, Cernovich notes, your involuntary intoxication is a mitigating factor at sentencing. Should not the same be true for children involuntarily intoxicated by lead or poor nutrition? As Cernovich puts it:

"Given that poor children are the ones who were most-frequently exposed to lead paint and the ones most likely denied essential nutrients, does it make sense to have a general poverty-as-mitigating-sentencing factor?"

And shouldn't schools be required to serve nutritious food in order to vaccinate children from certain crimes?

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 24, 2007 at 01:04 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

What Is a Blog?

In posts here and here, I've attempted to identify the first legal blogger. In response, I have received e-mails from several bloggers suggesting either themselves or others as possibly the first. These e-mails highlight the primary problem with identifying the first legal blogger -- first you must define "blog." Two of the e-mails I received warrant mention, because they are both from people who have been active in publishing online for the legal community since the earliest days of the Web and who are both highly regarded for their work.

The first came from Bruce W. Marcus, a veteran legal marketing consultant who in 1994 went online with his newsletter, The Marcus Letter on Professional Services Marketing. He wrote, in part:

"The earliest blog serving the legal profession? The Marcus Letter on Professional Services Marketing went online in 1994, following several years when it was published in hard copy. It sprung from my first book on marketing professional services, in 1982. It offered some of the earliest advice in marketing and managing law firms -- as it does today-- and in analyzing the ramifications of the legal profession. Many articles have been reprinted elsewhere, frequently."

The other e-mail that warrants a mention was from Sabrina Pacifici, who writes the blog beSpacific and who, in 1996, founded the Web journal LLRX.com. She points to an LLRX.com feature called Newstand, which made its debut in January 1997 and continued to run monthly. Here is how LLRX.com described this feature:

"In this column, we list selected articles from computer-oriented publications, such as Database, Online, PC World, PC Computing, Internet World, PC Magazine & Searcher as well as business magazines such as Forbes, Fortune & BusinessWeek. If you come across an article of interest that is not on our list, please choose 'Add Comments' at the bottom of this page, and tell us about it. All citations will be archived in the Library one month after posting."

Thus, well before the word "blog" was over coined, both Marcus and Pacifici had created Web pages that featured regularly updated content of interest to the legal profession. Which begs the question, what is a blog? I put that to Pacifici, and here was her response:

"Regularly posting current, topical material to the community, on law and technology related issues -- free, unsponsored, unbiased, independent. In any case, it predated 'blogs' per say, and fits the definition of regularly updated content. And since I am the only one, I think, who has been continually publishing on these topics to this community for 10+ yrs, it may merit a mention."

I don't know if anyone has heaped as much praise on LLRX.com over the years as I have. I have given it top rating in my book, The Essential Guide to the Best and Worst Legal Sites on the Web, and it was regularly selected as one of the "Best of the Web for Lawyers" in my former newsletter legal.online, as this March 1999 column of mine shows. But by that definition, I predated LLRX, since I have been posting my monthly column online since March 1995. I do not mean to take away from either Marcus or Pacifici their well-deserved status as trailblazers and innovators. I have the highest regard for the work of both, and they each deserve prominent places in the legal-Web history books. In my opinion, however, they were both publishing newsletters or e-zines online, not blogs, when they launched their respective features in 1994 and 1997. What's the difference? I'm not sure. Maybe it's frequency, maybe its intent. But for now I'm sticking with my original choice for first legal blog.

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 24, 2007 at 01:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Rodrigo González Fernádez
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Welcome to Japan"? Kurdish refugee family leaves for Canada'

Welcome to Japan"? Kurdish refugee family leaves for Canada'
by Hanako Tokita

Few people outside of Japan are aware of the dismal record of this country's treatment of refugees, particularly its treatment of Kurdish refugees. Few Japanese are even aware of policy in this area, given how little it is covered in the mainstream news. And yet Japan stands as most probably the only advanced country in the world not to have accepted a single Kurdish refugee out of hundreds of desperate applicants, despite the persecution Kurds routinely receive in countries such as Turkey, Iran, and Iraq.

Erdal Dogan and his family have learned first-hand things about Japanese policy that most Japanese people themselves do not themselves even know. Erdal arrived in Japan for the first time in 1999, fleeing ethnic and religious persecution in Turkey. He was joined by his wife Meryem and his brother Deniz in 2000, and his daughter Merve arrived two years later. His son Mehmet was born in Japan.

Erdal's family's application for refugee status was twice refused, and Erdal eventually ended up in detention, his family left to fend for themselves. Desperate and out of options, Erdal went on a 60-day hunger strike in 2003, to little avail.

After many years of hardship, sit-ins, and protests -- and after having been repeatedly back-stabbed by a government they originally hoped would help them -- the Dogan family finally received some good news this month: their application for refugee status in Canada was accepted.

The Dogan Family at Narita airport - photo by Shu Kaori/周香織

Blogger Shu Kaori is a photographer and longtime supporter of the Dogan family. She has published a book about the family, with a focus on the daughter Merve Dogan, entitled My neighboring friend, Little Merve - Two Kurdish refugee families I met. In her blog post on July 10th, she described her experience seeing the Dogan family off at Narita airport:


Today is the day that Erdal's family will set off for Canada.

「YOKOSO!JAPAN (ようこそ!日本)」のロゴがあちこちに貼ってある空港の中を、出発ロビーに向かいました。

I had a half-day off from work, and in the afternoon I went to Narita airport to see --- and his family off.
I headed to the lobby of the airport, where "YOKOSO! JAPAN" [Welcome to Japan!] logos were posted all over the place.
Over 30 supporters surrounded Erdal in the lobby, saying their sad goodbyes. Crews from TBS and Nippon Television had also come to cover the event.


As the departure time approached, the people who had come to see Erdal off thanked him and shook his hand. I was watching all this from a bit further away, remembering the various things that had happened up until that point, and I started crying in the corner [of the room]. Erdal came over and said to me: "Please don't cry." He said to me: "I'm not crying," but I looked at him and I could see that his eyes had become red. I said to him: "You are crying too, aren't you?" but he replied: "No, I'm not crying," and so we both laughed a bit. Whenever I would witness a painful scene and start to cry, the family would always tell me: "Don't cry!" and send me words of encouragement.


Erdal said to me: "Shu-san, please don't give up [on your work with] the refugees," and shook my hand.


Just at the last moment, as he was going to board the plane, Erdal said: "Everybody, thank you so much. Thanks to all of you, the Dogan family will find happiness in Canada. Thank you very very much!" He waved goodbye as he boarded the gate [to the plane].


This banner "Yokoso! Japan" [Welcome to Japan] that you see at the airport, who are these words for?
Rich tourists or business people or foreign talent? In any case I don't think it's for refugees.
A country that seems prosperous and peaceful on the face of it - Japan.
However, this is just a facade. When I dug a little deeper, I saw that refugees were not granted even their simple wishes, wishes upon which their life depends, and I realized that this is a cruel country.


It was the [plight of the] refugees that made me realize this.
It is an unmistakable fact that there were Kurdish families who sat in front of the UN one summer, and there were Japanese people who supported them, and as a result their fate was improved a bit.
I can only do very little, and I think it will take a long time to change the refugee policy.
However, as long as there is the possibility, I want to continue supporting the refugees.


From here on, I will do what I can.

Erdal's daughter Merve - photo by Shu Kaori/周香織

Blogger haredasu writes about Erdal and his family:




They were persecuted as refugees in Turkey, sought help, and came to Japan. Why should they still be treated this way?
Isn't this a humanitarian issue?




After all, Japan did not recognize them as refugees but Canada recognized them as refugees.
They could not remain in Japan, and they left for Canada, where they don't know anyone and they may not know the language.
They left, saying "we liked Japan...but...".
What will they think about Japan in the future?




About [Japan's] internationalization or international contribution,
what do the Japanese government officials think about these things?
This made me think.
It is a shame that I don't know much about these refugee issues.




What I was thinking as I watched the news is how cold and shameful this country Japan is, in the eyes of the world, that it could do something like this.
I am just so ashamed.

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Rodrigo González Fernádez
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786