Saturday, December 03, 2005


BLOGS BY LAW PROFESSORS FOR LAW PROFESSORSLaw Professor Blogs is a network of web logs ("blogs") designed from the ground-up to assist law professors in their scholarship and teaching. Each site focuses on a particular area of law and combines both (1) regularly-updated permanent resources and links, and (2) daily news and information of interest to law professors. Our editors are leading scholars and teachers who are committed to providing the web destination for law professors in their fields.
What Law Professor Blogs Are
The permanent resources & links and daily news & information are designed to collect in one place materials helpful to law professors in their scholarship and teaching:
Permanent Resources and Links:
  1. A list of all the law professors in the field, with links to their personal web pages, along with a list of recent lateral moves, entry level hires, and visiting appointments

  2. A list of casebooks and other materials, with links to the books on the publisher's web site

  3. Links to working papers on SSRN, colloquia, and specialized law reviews

  4. Links to professional organizations for faculty (AALS section, ABA section, etc.)

  5. Links to think tanks, U.S., state & foreign law sources, publishers, and other web sites of interest
Daily News and Information:
  1. Upcoming colloquia, conferences, and meetings

  2. Abstracts of working papers and recently-published scholarship

  3. Book reviews

  4. Career moves

  5. Other items of interest to faculty writing and teaching in the area
What Law Professor Blogs Are NotOur blogs are not a collection of personal ruminations about the Presidential campaign, the war in Iraq, or what the editor had for dinner last night. Neither do our editors offer their personal views on every policy issue in the news or every new court decision. We leave that terrain to the many existing blogs with that mission. Instead, our editors focus their efforts, in both the permanent resources & links and daily news & information, on the scholarly and teaching needs of law professors. Our hope is that law professors will visit the Law Professor Blog in their area (or areas) as part of their daily routine.
Future Law Professor BlogsIn our start-up phase, we are continuously adding new Law Professor Blogs in various areas of law. If you would be interested in serving as editor of a blog, or if you would like to receive an email announcement as new blogs come on-line, please email us.
Paul L. CaronPublisher & Editor-in-Chief
More information http://www.lawprofessorblogs.com/
I recommend the lawprofessorsblog all the legal profession people in Chile , sincerely yours,  Rodrigo González Fernández. Lawyerschile.blogspot.com

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