Interseismic strain accumulation measured by GPS in the seismic gap
between Constitución and Concepción in Chile
J.C. Ruegg
a,∗, A. Rudloff b, C. Vignyb, R. Madariagab, J.B. de Chabaliera, J. Camposc,E. Kausel
c, S. Barrientosc, D. Dimitrovd
nterseismic strain accumulation measured by GPS in the seismic gap
between Constitución and Concepción in Chile
J.C. Ruegg
a,∗, A. Rudloff b, C. Vignyb, R. Madariagab, J.B. de Chabaliera, J. Camposc,E. Kausel
c, S. Barrientosc, D. Dimitrovd
The ConcepciónConstitución area [3537◦S] in South Central Chile is very likely a mature seismic gap,
since no large subduction earthquake has occurred there since 1835. Three campaigns of global positioning
system (GPS) measurements were carried out in this area in 1996, 1999 and 2002. We observed
a network of about 40 sites, including two eastwest transects ranging from the coastal area to the
Argentina border and one northsouth profile along the coast. Our measurements are consistent with
the Nazca/South America relative angular velocity (55.9◦N, 95.2◦W, 0.610◦/Ma) discussed by Vigny et al.
(2008, this issue) which predicts a convergence of 68mm/year oriented 79◦N at the Chilean trench near
36◦S. With respect to stable South America, horizontal velocities decrease from 45mm/year on the coast
to 10mm/year in the Cordillera. Vertical velocities exhibit a coherent pattern with negative values of
about 10mm/year on the coast and slightly positive or near zero in the Central Valley or the Cordillera.
Horizontal velocities have formal uncertainties in the range of 13mm/year and vertical velocities around
36mm/year. Surface deformation in this area of South Central Chile is consistent with a fully coupled
elastic loading on the subduction interface at depth. The best fit to our data is obtained with a dip of 16±3◦,
a locking depth of 55±5 km and a dislocation corresponding to 67mm/year oriented 78◦N. However in
the northern area of our network the fit is improved locally by using a lower dip around 13◦. Finally a
convergence motion of about 68mm/year represents more than 10mof displacement accumulated since
the last big interplate subduction event in this area over 170 years ago (1835 earthquake described by Darwin).
Therefore, in a worst case scenario, the area already has a potential for an earthquake of magnitude
as large as 88.5, should it happen in the near future.
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