Thursday, January 09, 2014

mujerchile: saving mothers

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Saving Mothers, Giving Life One-Third Reductionin Maternal Mortality in Year 1

On behalf of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life partnership, we are pleased to announce the incredible results seen during Year 1 of this program. The first annual report shows that in just 1 year the maternal mortality ratio in target districts in Uganda decreased by 30 percent. The maternal mortality ratio in Saving Mothers, Giving Life target facilities in Zambia decreased by 35 percent, which means approximately one-third of women who would have died during childbirth before the program began are alive today, caring for their families and contributing to their communities.

30% Reduction of maternal mortality in Uganda and 35% reduction in Zambia.
The high rate of women dying from complications of pregnancy and childbirth remains an urgent challenge in sub-Saharan Africa, where many maternal deaths occur. The report indicates that the Saving Mothers, Giving Life approach – an intensive "big push" effort to strengthen health services focused on the critical period of labor, delivery and the first 48 hours postpartum – can produce impressive and quick results in saving women and newborn's lives.

Photo Source: Amy Cotter/USAID


Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
Diplomado en Coaching Ejecutivo ONU( 
 CEL: 93934521
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en GERENCIA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA -LIDERAZGO -  GESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – COACHING EMPRESARIAL-ENERGIAS RENOVABLES   ,  asesorías a nivel nacional e  internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Monday, January 06, 2014

informativo constitucional

Informativo N° 267 Diario Constitucional
(30/12/2013 - 3/1/2014)

Para reducir déficit fiscal. 
Consejo Constitucional de Francia declaró constitucionalidad de impuesto del 75% a empresas que paguen salarios sobre un millón de euros.  

Santiago, 3 de enero de 2014.

En el marco de una cuestión prioritaria de constitucionalidad, y a requerimiento de parlamentarios de oposición y ejerciendo su facultad de control de oficio, el Consejo Constitucional de Francia declaró contrarios a la Constitución 24 artículos… [siga leyendo]

Reitera jurisprudencia. 
TC rechazó inaplicabilidades que impugnaban norma que establece compensación por corte de luz. 

Santiago, 3 de enero de 2014.

El TC rechazó tres requerimientos de inaplicabilidad –roles 2423, 2424 y 2425– que impugnaban  el artículo 16 B, de la Ley Nº 18.410… [siga leyendo]

Hasta 3 períodos.  
Moción propone limitar reelección de diputados.  

Santiago, 3 de enero de 2014.

La moción del senador Navarro expone que, teóricamente es el Congreso Nacional el órgano que representa la "voluntad popular", con los claros impedimentos… [siga leyendo]

Desde 1976. 
Corte de Santiago dictó condena por secuestros calificados. 

Santiago, 3 de enero de 2014.

La Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago dictó sentencia en la investigación por los secuestros calificados de Juan Maino Canales, Elizabeth Rekas Urra… [siga leyendo]

Con prevenciones y disidencia. 
TC rechazó inaplicabilidad que impugnaba norma de ley que impide constitución de derechos de aprovechamiento de aguas. 

Santiago, 2 de enero de 2014.

El TC rechazó un requerimiento de inaplicabilidad… [siga leyendo]

Reforma constitucional. 
Moción incorpora principios de transparencia y participación en negociación de tratados internacionales. 

Santiago, 2 de enero de 2014.

La moción del senador Navarro señala que, a raíz de la negociación del tratado… [siga leyendo]

Portal Bulnes.
Corte de Santiago rechazó protección por término de permisos a comerciantes. 

Santiago, 2 de enero de 2014.

La Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago rechazó el recurso de protección presentado por 20 locatarios del Portal Bulnes… [siga leyendo]

Recibió información.  
CPLT acogió desistimiento de amparo de acceso a la información contra SERVEL.  

Santiago, 31 de diciembre de 2013.

Se dedujo amparo de acceso a la información en contra del SERVEL, fundado en que el requirente no recibió respuesta a su solicitud sobre información relativa a su inscripción en el registro electoral… [siga leyendo]

No hay vulneración de garantías.  
CS rechaza amparo constitucional contra Juzgado de Garantía que decretó prisión preventiva de imputado. 

Santiago, 31 de diciembre de 2013.

Se dedujo acción de amparo constitucional en contra del Juzgado de Garantía de Concepción… [siga leyendo]

Se ajustó a derecho.  
CGR rechazó reclamo de nulidad presentado contra decreto de Ministerio de Energía.  

Santiago, 30 de diciembre de 2013.

Se solicitó a la Contraloría General de la República –por parte del representante de la empresa Sercabol Ltda.- declarar la nulidad del decreto… [siga leyendo]

Vea las noticias de hoy…


Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
Diplomado en Coaching Ejecutivo ONU( 
 CEL: 93934521
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en GERENCIA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA -LIDERAZGO -  GESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – COACHING EMPRESARIAL-ENERGIAS RENOVABLES   ,  asesorías a nivel nacional e  internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Las oficinas legales chilenas que representan a las 100 firmas más grandes de América Latina


Las oficinas legales chilenas que representan a las 100 firmas más grandes de América Latina

Cariola, Carey, Claro, Guerrero Olivos y Alessandri ocupan los primeros lugares a nivel local.


La publicación inglesa Law Business Research en su reporte anual sobre las firmas de abogados que representan a las 100 firmas más grandes de América Latina en el capítulo Chile destacó principalmente a nueve oficinas: Cariola,Díez Pérez-Cotapos; Carey, Claro & Cia.; Guerrero Olivos Novoa y Errázuriz; Alessandri; Morales & Besa; Aninat Schwencke & Cía., Carey & Allende y Philippi.

Estas firmas representan, dice la publicación, a buena parte de las cien grandes compañías más grandes de la región, entre ellas,Latam Airlines, Walmart, Anglo American y Telefónica.

El informe señala que Claro & Cia. junto con Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos trabajan en el país con Latam (que ocupa el puesto 50 en la lista de grandes empresas de América Latina). Cariola representa además a Endesa (34) y Coca Cola (98), entre otras. Mientras que Claro & Cia. también asesora a Walmart (39); Anglo American (64); Antofagasta Minerals (73), entre otras, señala la publicación. Por su parte, Aninat Schwencke & Cía., representa a Odebrecht (7); Carey a Volkswagen (14); Guerrero Olivos Novoa y Errázuriz a Telefónica (17); en tanto, que Copec trabaja con Carey & Allende.Según la publicación, un 8% de las compañías más grandes de la región están basadas​en Chile. El reporte muestra que las firmas corporativas top hacen bien al atraer múltiples clientes de gran tamaño, ya que tienen la capacidad se servir todas sus necesidades. 

José Luis Letelier, socio de Cariola, Díez, Pérez-Cotapos & Cía Ltda, que lidera el ranking local, dijo que su foco temprano en compañías internacionales "nos hizo muy atentos a temas de compliance, lo que era bastante menos común hace 20 años, lo que ha hecho bastante más fácil para clientes internacionales el trabajar con nosotros".

Otros chilenos que aparecen representando a algunas de las 100 firmas más grandes de la región son: Alessandri & Compañía a General Motors (25); Nestlé (27) con Carey, FerradaNehme e Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva; Codelco (28) con Carey; Gutiérrez Waugh Jimeno & Asenjo Abogados, entre otros.


Para construir el reporte, se seleccionaron a las compañías en base a sus ingresos al cierre de 2012. Luego, para establecer sus estudios representantes se recopiló la información aparecida en Latin Lawyer, contrastándola después con las mismas oficinas de abogados.

Imagen foto_00000002


Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
Diplomado en Coaching Ejecutivo ONU( 
 CEL: 93934521
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en GERENCIA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA -LIDERAZGO -  GESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – COACHING EMPRESARIAL-ENERGIAS RENOVABLES   ,  asesorías a nivel nacional e  internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Thursday, January 02, 2014

agriculturablogger: Navigating the New Food Movement:

Navigating the New Food Movement: What does (and should) 'local' mean to the grocer? Some insights from the social scientists

Category: The New Food Movement

Buy local food? Why?

Photo: Flickr/Steve Rhodes. Used under CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0. Some rights reserved.

"Nebraskans spend $4.4 billion on food each year. Yet only 10 percent stays in our state," laments Nebraska's agrarian populists at the Center for Rural Affairs. "Shouldn't we expect most of the food we purchase to come from our state?"

Consternation over the excessive "food miles" your products travel in order to get from the farm field to your store have led those like the Center's authors to argue to consumers and regulators that food systems can only be sustainable and socially just if they originate within a set number of miles. But one vexing problem remains: How exactly to define the vague and soft term "local."

"'Local food' or 'regional food,'" the Center's authors have written, "have no precise definitions, nor is it legally defined in the way that legislation has defined 'organic.'  Some consider 'local' to describe food from a 50-mile or 100-mile distance from where it is sold. Others say a one-hour drive from the market or other place where sold. Thus, it is important to define what is meant by 'local' when using the term in food marketing or sales."

With so much confusion over a basic definition, what's a local-centric grocer to do?

Ignore it. Here's why.

Several interesting articles from one scholarly journal have recently attempted to get their hands around the meaning from both an academic's and a consumer's point of view. Some valuable lessons can be taken for the grocer interested in appealing to that class of shoppers:

  • In "Food miles, local eating, and community supported agriculture: putting local food in its place," Pennsylvania's Kutztown University scholar Steven Schnell argues that focusing on food miles cheapens and causes us to miss what's really important about why citizens seem to yearn for local food. "The dialogue over food miles...," he says, "has largely centered not on complex reality, but on a caricature, and a single variable stripped of its context." Local eating is not really about mileage, Schnell believes; it's about connecting people to a community. Trying to assign an ideal number of miles oversimplifies a complex process in which shoppers are trying to connect with  particular producers, particular markets, particular environments and particular people. Food, he believes, is simply one part of that "narrative" they tell themselves about where they fit in the world.
  • In "CSA membership and psychological needs fulfillment: an application of self-determination theory" a group of University of Wisconsin ecologists examine the pyschological needs driving why consumers join Community Supported Agriculture buying programs, subscription-based direct-buying programs that connect local shoppers with local farms. Through interviews with those buying members about why they join and leave CSAs, they suggest those local-buying programs meet shoppers' needs to feel independent and in control of their own lives, capable and competent in providing for themselves, and related to people and communities surrounding them. Although the Wisconsin researchers concede they have only scratched the surface of the deep psychology behind local food buying, they suggest the field is ripe for further research, including if, why and how shoppers better meet those psychological needs by shopping at a farmers market vs. at a supermarket.
  • In the article "Beyond agriculture: the counter-hegemony of community farming," British social scientists approach the motivations of local food buying by considering it as a new form of liesure activity, in which shoppers are at heart attempting to exert some rebellion against authority by participating, vicariously though it may be, in growing their own food. Sort of like an avid golfer who eventually turns a sport into work in order to set himself apart by excelling at something others cannot do, local-food advocates who are so involved they go so far as to volunteer their time to help plant and harvest at local community-supported farms are similarly disguising a non-essential liesure activity as hard work that sets them apart from the power anonymousing forces of modern society. By participating in local farming, they are "busy constructing meaningful lives outside of conventional work and leisure activities that bear all the hallmarks of a big leisure project, although it is no longer understood (or performed) in these terms," they write. "...the majority of the participants in the CSA did not routinely view their activities and deployment of time as leisure per se. Rather, they viewed their participation as a part of their wider lives, part of their personal project...[that] speaks to others about who we are, what we hold to be valuable and how we can make a difference.''

What does that all mean to grocers looking for opportunity in the local food department?

In this broader sense, "local" is a double-edged sword for locally owned, community grocers. You can't fake the authenticity consumers are longing for when they buy local. So the fact that 90 percent of locally sourced food is originating with farms grossing more than a quarter million dollars annually puts grocers riding that train at risk of appearing to be inauthentic. On the other hand, if consumers are looking for a means to stay rooted in time and place via a sense of community, few retailers are in better position to lead that than the community focused grocer.

As this essay explains, if true, then the "food" portion of the "local food" movement may be a case of the marketing tail wagging the dog. Grocers who see locally sourced food as only a small part of fulfilling their commitment to the community, through community relations, employee relations and true contributions, will put themselves in the lead in capturing the loyalty of those local-focused consumers, regardless of how many miles the food they offer travels to get to them.

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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
Diplomado en Coaching Ejecutivo ONU( 
 CEL: 93934521
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en GERENCIA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA -LIDERAZGO -  GESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – COACHING EMPRESARIAL-ENERGIAS RENOVABLES   ,  asesorías a nivel nacional e  internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

ultimas fotos de Michelle y Barack Obama

Barack and Michelle Smile as they Record a Holiday Greeting

Barack and Michelle Obama are All Smiles as they Record a Christmas Greeting 
The President and First Lady have some huge grins on their faces as the record their holiday greeting.  Michelle chose a lovely blue and black dress and a simple yet elegant string of pearls for the occasion. Read More & View Full Images »

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Barack and Michelle smile and hug and wish everyone a happy new year!

The President sings 'Happy Birthday' to the First Lady after greeting inaugural brunch guests in the Blue Room of the White House. Of course, the First Lady's new hairstyle attracted a lot of attention. 
This adorable photo of the President and First Lady was attached to the White House's Happy New Year tweet.  The First Couple seems as affectionate as ever, and Michelle looks stunning in her deep red holiday dress. UPDATE: Just found out that this photo of the First Couple was actually taken last January as Barack... Read More & View Full Images »

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Top 17 FLOTUS Moments of 2013

First Lady Michelle Obama, Prince Harry of Wales, and Dr. Jill Biden Host a Mother's Day Tea for Military Spouses 
From the White House: 1. FLOTUS joins Twitter... The @FLOTUS Office is now on @twitter & will post updates & pics. When it's her, she'll sign -mo. PS: RT to wish Mrs. Obama a #HappyBirthday — FLOTUS (@FLOTUS) January 17, 2013 ...and Instagram. 2. FLOTUS Tweets POTUS' second inauguration. Just danced to "Let's Stay Together"... Read More & View Full Images »

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Top White House GIFs of 2013

New White House Puppy 
The White House recently published a list of the best motion GIFs from 2013. Unsurprisingly, the First Lady and others members of First Family are featured in many of them.Read More & View Full Images »

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President Barack and First Lady Michelle Visit the Troops on Christmas

President Obama Addresses the Troops on Christmas 
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visited the troops at Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Christmas Day to thank them for their service and dedication. Read More & View Full Images »

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President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama Wish Everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama Wish Everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 
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An army of volunteers decorate the White House for Christmas. Go behind the scenes with West Wing Week.

Decorating the Oval Office for Christmas 
It takes an army of volunteers to decorate the White House for Christmas. Go behind the scenes with West Wing Week. Read More & View Full Images »

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First Lady Michelle on the phone with @NoradSanta keeping up with the sleigh's location!

First Lady Michelle Obama on the Phone with NORAD Tracking Santa 
The First Lady is on the phone with NORAD as they track Santa's sleigh. Follow along at noradsanta.orgRead More & View Full Images »

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First Lady Michelle Obama Collects Toys for Kids in Need

First Lady Michelle Obama participates in the sorting of toys during a Toys for Tots service project at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Toys for Tots Distribution Center in Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2013.
First Lady Michelle Obama Collects Toys for Tots

First Lady Michelle Obama collects toys from military children during a Toys for Tots event at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Distribution Center in Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

This afternoon, First Lady Michelle Obama visited Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C. to deliver hundreds of toys that Executive Office of the President staff donated to the United States Marine Corps' Toys for Tots campaign, an annual holiday toy drive. After delivering the toys, she thanked volunteers for their hard work and dedication this holiday season:

I want to thank all of you and all of the volunteers and donors for Toys for Tots running year after year. One thing I always say is that I don't know if people realize everything it takes to make this happen -- the thousands of hours that go into making this drive possible.

Mrs. Obama also thanked military families for all they do throughout the year, while still finding time to run programs like Toys for Tots.  

Most people don't understand that you do all of this service on top of all of the challenges that you face as servicemembers and as military families. And that's the example that I think the rest of the country needs to see -- that even in the midst of your challenges, you find a way to give back to those less fortunate. 

And that's what makes me proud. That's what makes me want to step up and do whatever I can to support this effort and to support you all as men and women, and as young men and women -- young heroes, our military kids, who do so much sacrificing. And I really don't know how you all do it....But I am grateful that you are who you are, and that you make those sacrifices. 

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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
Diplomado en Coaching Ejecutivo ONU( 
 CEL: 93934521
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en GERENCIA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA -LIDERAZGO -  GESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – COACHING EMPRESARIAL-ENERGIAS RENOVABLES   ,  asesorías a nivel nacional e  internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile